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Spring cleaning Day 2

As I write, Nicholas is giving my arms and feet a rub down so I am typing with one finger. Today we finished the kitchen by scrubbing the floor with castile soap and scrub brushes. Our priest came by to bring me some razor blades to scrape hard to get dirt off with. His presence inspired a little healthy competition between Alexandra and I as we divided the kitchen floor in half. Not sure who won but it was probably not the authoress.

The next reason why I need a rub down is because part of spring cleaning the living room was cleaning and applying paste wax to our 1921 Steinway Grand piano. Can you say wax on, wax off? We cleaned and reconditioned the couch which Poppa was very helpful in lending a hand to do half since he had gotten home just in time to rescue me from having to do the whole job myself as well as putting the finishing touch on the piano. We reorganized and decluttered and all I have the energy to do right now is my rosary and speaking of rosaries… I am working on a project for the kids Easter baskets that I thought of a while ago but have not had the time to really work on.  Here is a hint, it involves legos.  I will try to get my project done so I can share it with you. One last word… good night!
OK, OK! I did not forget the list, so here it is:
Living room
Clean TV (Yes we still have one or more)
Polish piano
Wipe leather couch and recondition
Vacuum couch
Organize entertainment center
Sew cover for sofa chair
Clean out behind couch
Clean blinds
Clean windows
Scrub stone living room table
Move Pottery Barn bench to foyer
Dust lamp
Hunt and remove sand spurs from carpet
Dust fan
Shampoo carpet with Rug Doctor
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Spring Cleaning Day 1

I have recently discovered that the origin or “Spring Cleaning”is Catholic. Well, I could not resist. What a great way to get ready for Easter. Here is an article from the Handbook of Christian Feasts and Customs by Francis X. Weiser, S.J. (1958)

EASTER CLEANING — According to an ancient tradition, the three days after Palm Sunday are devoted in many countries to a thorough cleaning of the house, the most vigorous of the whole year. Carpets, couches, armchairs, and mattresses are carried into the open and every speck of dust beaten out of them. Women scrub and wax floors and furniture, change curtains, wash windows; the home is buzzing with activity. No time is wasted on the usual kitchen work; the meals are very casual and light. On Wednesday night everything has to be back in place, glossy and shining, ready for the great feast. In Poland and other Slavic countries people also decorate their homes with green plants and artificial flowers made of colored paper carrying out ancient designs.

This traditional spring cleaning is, of course, to make the home as neat as possible for the greatest holidays of the year, a custom taken over from the ancient Jewish practice of a ritual cleansing and sweeping of the whole house as prescribed in preparation for the Feast of Passover.

Day 1

Organize pantry

Clean out refrigerator and freezer

Organize, declutter and wipe out all cabinets and drawers

Organize kitchen island

Clean microwave

Wipe down all cabinets

Scrub and clean sink

Polish stainless steel appliances

Clean oven

Clean glass stove top

Clean light fixtures

Clean windows and blinds

Sweep, scrub and mop floors

Paint baseboards.

Throw myself in bed and do again tomorrow. Thank you Poppa for bringing home Taco Bell so I do not need to do one more thing. Tomorrow we work on the living room and dining room. Stay tuned….

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