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Stash Bash

I’ve never met a crafter without a stash of some kind. This year my goal is to use up all the craft supplies I have spent money on that are taking up mental and physical space in my life.  Join me here every Thursday for a Stash Bash.

Belly update:  I am starting to feel better from the pulled stomach muscle.  I am able to get up and down easier now and if I just hold onto my belly, leaning forward is going easier now so I hope to be able to get at least a little weeding done this weekend in the garden.  With all the rain here, it has turned into a jungle over there.  It makes me so sad to think of my hard work covered by weeds but I remind myself that creating a human being is more important work than the garden.

I am knitting up lots of ideas but trying to get them all accomplished before moving onto the next one which is my normal m.o.  I usually dream up 30 projects and then start them all and finish a few.  Today I am working on a kimono for the baby bean now that I finished that sleepy soaker sack.  If you missed it yesterday, you can see it here.

I love this wool yarn.  I have no idea where it came from or who is the maker but I remember snatching up a few balls of it years ago because it was 100% wool and butter soft.  Not knowing if it is super wash I am using it make clothing instead of another soaker.

I am making the Nature Baby Kimono and hopefully won’t hit any snags.  I still feel very shaky when it comes to knitting garments but this is an easy pattern so I hope to not get stuck.

So what have you been up to? I love to see what you come up with. I have added the Mr Linky to the bottom of this post for you to link up your Stash Bash projects.

Here’s what to do. There are no rules. 
Just use what you have and try to not buy new supplies, unless you need it to complete a project that you are making from stuff you already have in your stash. 
Take a picture of your project or progress and blog about it or post a picture to flickr.
Then come back here on Thursdays and post a link to your post.
Don’t forget to link back to the Stash Bash so others can find us and get encouraged too.
Fair enough?     

P.S.  Its so nice to hear from other stash bashers so if you visit some of the links don’t forget to leave them a quick little comment. 

If you enjoyed this post, please consider leaving a comment or follow me by email at the top right hand of the screen to have future posts sent to you. Tricia (Crunchy Catholic Momma)

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Yarn Along

Yesterday I had a last minute cake request from Poppa for his new team.  Though not a complicated cake, with a pulled stomach muscle anything becomes complicated.  I finished it and handed it to him way after midnight and then collapsed into bed not being able to fall asleep from the owie on my belly.

Sorry about the horrible lighting in these pictures, it was after midnight and Poppa snapped these while I was cleaning up (well, he probably cleaned more than me : )

This morning I woke up to a heroes farewall as my very grateful husband departed with his finished cake to his meeting.  Truth, I would do it all over again because of that look on his face.

I got baby beans sleepy soaker sack finished a few days ago.  I experimented with finishing the bottom opening with more ribbing like at the top with a draw string but didn’t like it.  I wanted it to have that pajama opening feeling so I added a few more inches in the ivory color and now need to sew it under to encase the draw string.  I am dreaming about meeting this little one with every stitch and every painful breath.

I have actually been reading something this week.  Soulemama’s book,  The Rhythm of Family.  I love her style of writing and when I feel tired, I look at her beautiful photography and read her kind words toward her family and get up to keep on going.  Sometimes, blogging may feel like a self indulging, non-productive thing to do but I am sooo grateful to all the women who put time into sharing their lives.  They have touched me inmeasurebly (sp?) and I hope to be of a little inspiration to some other momma out there getting up every day with owies and every day life to take care of and nurture their own families.  Thank you friends…you know who you are.

I hope to see you back her tomorrow for my Stash Bash.  If you have any projects you’ve made from your stash please come back and post them.  I love to see what you all are up to.

As usual this week, I am joining two wonderful blogging mommas in their endeavors, Nicole at Frontier Dreams and Ginny of Small Things.

If you enjoyed this post, please consider leaving a comment or follow me by email at the top right hand of the screen to have future posts sent to you. Tricia (Crunchy Catholic Momma)

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