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Happy Anniversary, The Story of Us

Last night as Eddie was going through his schedule, he realized that our anniversary was tomorrow (today).  He had to work but arranged to sneak in a wonderful lunch date with me.  In each marriage, I suppose, there are those years where you are a couple, then the years come when you are just Momma and Poppa to a bunch of people and that can change your relationship.  I guess we have phases of both.  I can honestly say that after 8 kids and many years of “us” I love Eddie more than I ever have.  Marriages grow with time, I thank God that ours has grown together.

I should make some emails today to those responsible for such an endeavor, Vince and Peggy. I will be thanking them for having the following story to tell and the wonderful life that has followed that story.

I met Eddie through a neighbor of mine.  I moved to the last possible block of Miami, FL, very close to the Florida Keys and the Everglades.  I bought a 3 bedroom, 2 story house for myself and was out there all alone.  I met some neighbors who had kids, 3 to be exact and the fact that Vince was a police officer really clinched the deal (hello, single girl alone, need protection… get it!)  A few months after meeting them I was visiting when they came up with the brilliant idea of setting me up on a blind date with the perfect guy.  I certainly was not interested in a blind date (I mean who does those anyway?)  After much negotiation, they convinced me that if I saw a picture it was not a blind date.

Fine then, show me the picture!!  What they showed me was a picture of Eddie in handcuffs.  He had shown up at the hospital to see their new baby and Vince took a picture of him in the cuffs.  I can’t tell you what it was about that picture (hmmm, maybe the gladiator legs) but I decided to meet him, after all, I lived next door.  If I did not like the guy, I would just go home.

So friday came along and as I was walking past his car with soccer ball hanging in the rear view mirror, I thought OK, either he is an athlete or a couch potato soccer watching guy. From the moment we saw each other, he was such a gentleman and polite and easy to talk to and that night he walked me home.  I then began the search into what it is that is wrong with this guy that he is still available (come on you would too).  He had great manners, always opened doors for me, offered his jacket if I was cold, really listened to everything I was saying and after a long and tired search I can tell you that he was available because God had been saving him for me.  He still does all those things that make him a great catch and he has added to his resume, great friend, awesome father and wonderful provider.  Eddie accepts me with my good and bad attributes, he has never tried to change me and he has never said no to any of my hair brained ideas.  He believes in me and his love has helped me to become the person I am today (I hope a better person than before my blind date).

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Going green…. and orange

Yes today is labor day but today is also the day that University of Miami plays against Florida State University in college football.  Today is also the opening game of the season and is being played in Florida State territory.  

For those of you who know that I am not exactly a sports fanatic let me explain why today is special.  Well, of the few sports I do enjoy, football is one of them.  I am through and through a Miami Hurricane and the 3rd real date I had with my husband was to see UM play FSU at the now demolished Orange Bowl stadium in Miami.  We always watch this game together and the kids really get into it.

Ever since I can remember my brother and I waited for this game. We watched as the Canes took us to victory, we watched and cried as sometimes it did not go the way we wanted. During the 1980s and ’90s, the FSU-Miami game decided which team would play for — and often win — college football’s national championship. The Hurricanes won five national titles from 1983 to 2001; the Seminoles finished No. 1 in 1993 and ’99.

We have been waiting for years for the Canes to do it again, watching and waiting and then all of a sudden, there it was.  The blood pumping excitement, the nail biting, hold your breath, can’t look but you have to moments.  Last night was one of the amazing football moments that my children will remember and hopefully they will not have to wait very long to see it happen again.

Of course we are foodies and the food did not play second fiddle to the game. We made the usual football foods, fries,hotdogs, chips, ham croquets but Poppa bought some yuca and I know exactly what he wanted… yuca fries!!  I also made a very yummy garlic lime mayo dipping sauce to go with it.  

Combine all ingredients and pop in the fridge for an hour to let all the flavors blend.  You could also add some cilantro in the food processor but I was all out.

Here is the recipe: 

6 to 8 garlic cloves, 2 bay leaves, 2 tablespoons salt, 3 to 4 quarts water, 1 1/2 pounds yuca (washed, peeled, and sliced into fries)  corn or peanut oil for frying


1. In a saucepan , combine garlic, bay leaves, salt, and water. 2. Bring the mixture to aboil. 3. Add the Yuca, reduce the heat to medium, and simmer until yuca is tender, but not sticky or falling apart, about 30 minutes. 4.Drain the yuca on paper towels. When cool enough to handle, pat the yuca dry. 5. In a fryer or deep skillet, heat the oil to 375 Fahrenheit. 6. Fry the yuca until golden, drain on paper towels, sprinkle with salt, and serve hot.

Garlic lime sauce
1 cup mayo, 1/2 a squeezed lime, 4 garlic cloves minced, 2 tsp salt

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