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3283_1(one of my favorite prints by ruth elsasser)

You know what they say about the road to hell and good intentions don’t you?  Not sure if these would count as intentions, resolutions or goals but either way I do make such things so I thought I might share.

This year I intend to:

: :  kiss my babies much more than I did in 2013

: :  be a better ear for my husband when he needs one

: :  say many more rosaries than last year (we try to say a daily rosary but this falls to the wayside far too often)

: :  do more for others in the community

: :  eat less meat and more greens

: :  make more and buy less

: :  start an emergency fund

: : be more organized

: :  learn to cable

: :  start selling my patterns, dolls and crafts again

: :  start a 365 Grateful Project (more on this tomorrow)


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little by little




I’m so excited to be here today in my new space.  Everything in its place, I hope you like it.  While I was moving from Blogger I figured out I had bitten off more than I could chew and boy was I in  over my head.  Thankfully for me I was rescued by a blogging Angel er Maven (more on that later this week).  It was kind of like the time when Poppa and I were moving out of our first home together to a bigger place.  I decided that we could manage it in our Ford Explorer…. bad idea.

There is a big learning curve still ahead of me and so much that I probably will get stuck on but I am feeling so much peace here knowing that my little blog will hopefully not crash on anyone and anyone who wants to comment definitely can.  I want to thank you for being here today with me.  For visiting my new home.  I hope you will like it as much as my old one and even more.

Did Imention that through the past few days Matthew has declared his independence from sitting on my lap and is now crawling as fast as we can crawl after him.  He is off on an adventure everytime I turn my head.  We are both pretty exhausted by all this new excitement.

That is our life, always a new something to deal with or adjust to and as always I will get there… little by little

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