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all i want for Christmas

I meant to share this last week but so many things got in the way and if I could ask for a favor, I promise to reciprocate.  My husband was notified a few weeks ago that after 15 years of working for the same company, his position will no longer exist as of the 27th of this month.  We have raised our family while he has worked there and there are so many decisions to make right now.
We have been blessed with other offers but they all consist of making a move and the thought of leaving our home, our Moss Flower Farm, friends, our church community and the beauty that surrounds us is just heart breaking.
Could I ask for your prayers and I will in turn of course pray for you also.
Right now, there is so much I want but none of can be purchased at a store.
I want 
to know where we will live
what the immediate future holds for our family
if I will get to plant my spring garden
if this will be our last Christmas here

will we have to be apart if he has to move while we settle our home issue
to know if I can start the kitchen redo
most of all I want to feel settled again.
All I do know is that where Poppa is, there is my heart.  And in his heart is my home.
If you enjoyed this post, please consider leaving a comment or follow me by email at the top right hand of the screen to have future posts sent to you. Tricia (Crunchy Catholic Momma)
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Takin on the road…

January 8th, 2010

Some pics of a trip we took to Alabama, more on the whys later.  We were supposed to fly there and visit except our flight got cancelled due to winter weather and so we took two of the kiddos with us on a road trip.  Nine hours later we arrive in Birmingham and even though it was dark, I could see something in the distance, mountains.  Maybe it was just me because I am not used to seeing mountains or big hills but everywhere I looked there were mountains.  This part of Alabama was very nice and the people everywhere were so sweet.   It was pretty cold and got down to 8 degrees farenheit.  Here is Nick with his first snowman ever.

We had to scramble to find winter clothes for Livie but we managed to keep her cute and warm.

Note the frozen waterfall in the background
my guys trying to stay warm
and the beautiful church we went to mass at on Sunday before we headed home.   This is the biggest alter I have ever seen,  the communion rail is all the way at the end of the photo (see the steps leading up to the kneelers?)
I promise to share more info on Alabama later.
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