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Keepin it real

I am sooooooo sick today!  Poppa got sick on Thanksgiving and the kids have all gotten it but yesterday, I started feeling kind of shivery, drippy nose and just not right but I had to finish all the Saint Nicholas presents for this morning (more on that tomorrow) so I was not going to let it take me down but sometime during the night, I woke up feeling blah!  and much more than blah.
If you will humor me, I have the worst sinus pain and pressure on my face, my eyes hurt, left eye socket, left cheek bone and my upper left teeth are all hurting.  I can’t breathe and the homeopathic stuff is for some reason not doing much so I broke out the old Vicks…ahhh.  I don’t want to know what is in it I just want to feel better.  The kids have been bringing me lots of water and soup and bread and hopefully this will pass soon because I am also tired of *ahem* running to the bathroom : )
Side notes: 
1. From seeing these pics I realize that I need to decorate my room and put up some pictures. 
2. Tiffany, those bamboo tissues I got from you are heaven!
So here’s to keepin it real.
If you enjoyed this post, please consider leaving a comment or follow me by email at the top right hand of the screen to have future posts sent to you. Tricia (Crunchy Catholic Momma)
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Keepin it real

With my being gone most of the week last week it was hard to find something to keep it real with you all since my hubby is a clean machine but just as I thought I would not post this week, I put something down on the piano and saw this

haha apparently my kids have noticed my lack of dusting the piano skills so here is the rest of it
care to play eye spy with me?  yeah I know I really need to dust under the piano too.  Honestly we sweep under there at least every other day but pictures don’t lie so something did not happen here (I was in NY so…not my fault hee hee)

I spy a sweater, some paperwork, a few leaves, ball of yarn and knitting needles (my younger girls learned to knit while I was gone and they are obessed)  the girls statue of Our Lady
one of the hats I bought the boys on my trip found inside the piano
a few orphaned playing cards on the piano bench
 these silk flowers are for my mom, I got them at a friends wedding a few months ago and since my momma likes silk orchids I brought it home but have not had a chance to take it to her
and while I was gone, all the diapers got dirty so they panicked and bought a pack…plus wipes????  FYI Honey, Livie’s chunky bottom does not fit in size 4 : )  They did wash the diapers by the way but no one in the house but me really likes cloth diapers so there you go.
Alright, so now its your turn. Are you brave enough to post pictures of your reality?  Just take a picture and upload it to your flickr or your blog and then post the link in the linky list.  

If you enjoyed this post, please consider leaving a comment or follow me by email at the top right hand of the screen to have future posts sent to you. Tricia (Crunchy Catholic Momma)

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