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Knitting on the sly

Yarning along this week again with Ginny from Small Things. This week getting any knitting done (or anything other than cleaning or organizing) was difficult. Poppa is really keeping me busy doing more of the things I should be doing when I am knitting, sewing or getting crafty. I think in another 2 weeks I will have the cleanest house in town lol.

However, the knitting must get done hee hee, so I have been knitting on the sly! Any minute I can get I pull out my little project and get what I can done.

I am working on this little football beanie I found on Rav. It was for a very dear friend of mine who is having a baby soon and I wanted to surprise her. Then as I was reaching the part where the decreases start when I found out she is having a girl. Oh I am so shtoopid! I must have brain damage or something. So now I am too far into it to stop and am really looking forward to seeing it finished. I also learned a little more kntting terminology with this pattern. It turns out that SSK means slip slip knit (I can hear you ladies laughing mind you! Remember I am a new knitter) SO I SSK’ed and learned a new way to decrease, yippee!! I am also happy to say I made it from yarn in my stash to continue with my stash bashing resolution this year.

Speaking of stash bashing, won’t you join me tomorrow, Thursday, for this weeks Stash Bash? Just blog about a project you made or finished from your stash or post a picture to Flickr then come back to tomorrows post and link up. In case you missed the details last week you can find them here.

This week, I am planning meals from The Organic Family Cookbook again and reading to the kids from one of their favorite book series of my childhood. Have you ever heard of or read The Happy Hollisters series. When I was little I would not get my homework done because I would get sucked into these books. Their family had so much fun and I guess looking back I always wanted to have a big family just like the book (though they only have 5 kids lol). Throughout the years I have found many of the books from the series and my kids can never get enough. The adventures I went on with the Hollisters in my childhood….oh to be a kid again!

Hope to see you tomorrow!

If you enjoyed this post, please consider leaving a comment or follow me by email at the top right hand of the screen to have future posts sent to you. Tricia (Crunchy Catholic Momma)

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A puppy for Christmas

Some of our children make a wish list for Christmas, do yours?  I never did as a child but I also don’t think my parents could have gone out and just gotten me whatever I wanted with paying for private school for 4 children.   Our kids know that they may receive something from their list or they may not but they still make them anyway and are always happy and grateful for what they receive.

This year Ronnie made a special request on her list and has been asking me for weeks if I think there might be any chance that she might get what she asked for, so……we have a new member to our family.  It’s not a baby but you can still cuddle and love it and we still have to potty train it.  His name is Gizmo and he is the sweetest little boy ever.  The look on her face is priceless.  I was so happy that we could make it happen for her.
Poppa picked him up the day before Christmas Eve and we sprung the surprise on her though it seems more like a surprise for everyone, me included.  We had everyone stand in the front door and close their eyes. The look on her face was priceless.  I was so happy that we could make it happen for her.

I am yarning along again with Ginny from Small Things this week again.  I can’t wait to see what everyone has made.   Here is a question. Since I started yarning along I feel the need to visit as many posts as I can since they took the time to blog and share it.  If someone leaves you a comment, do you feel compelled to leave one at their blog post?

On the knitting front, we are getting ready for New Years and to add our new puppy to the fun I knitted him a bowtie!  I had this one ball of black Alpaca yarn which I have not been able to use because it is not enough to really make much so it was perfect for this little project and I could probably make a dozen more since it takes so little yarn.

As usual if you want to make one just shoot me a line and I will send you the pattern but seriously its so easy and only takes about 10 minutes to make.

If you enjoyed this post, please consider leaving a comment or follow me by email at the top right hand of the screen to have future posts sent to you. Tricia (Crunchy Catholic Momma)
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