Our Christmas tree is now ashes in the bonfire pit down by our pond. Once Poppa threw the match into the pit, it only took 3 minutes before there was nothing left. Likewise, all the Christmas decorations have been carefully gathered and put away but in the final week of January the nativity displayed on our piano is still there. In our family, we leave it up until the Feast of the Purification of Our Lady ( the day Mary was presented in the temple for purification, 40 days after she gave birth) also known as Candlemas. It is also considered the beginning of spring, the return of light and renewal of life, a time when the ground awakes and becomes fertile once again after a long winters rest.
The crocheted table cloth which the nativity is displayed on was made by my grandmother, Rosa Eva. I have blogged about her in the past but in case you have never read about her, she was the mother of 14 and she crocheted every day of her life. That I know of I am the only one of her decendants who inherited her love of crochet and as you guessed I am the only one with a big family though not as big as hers.
the beeswax candle next to the nativity is on one of my favorite belongings. It is a cast iron candle stick holder and I found it at an antique store. I need to clean it and take off the little bit of rust that is on it but I am afraid that it will take off the pretty little hand painted flowers. Do you think that just washing it and oiling it would be enough?
If Candlemas be fair and bright
Come winter, have another flight,
If Candlemas brings clouds and rain
Go winter and come not again
On Candlemas we will begin the daunting task of beginning the weeding of our very overwintered garden and prepare it for spring plantings. We will then return inside where it is nice and warm and make beeswax candles. These will be the candles we light for birthdays and special occasions for the following year. At suppertime we will make pancakes, because crepes are traditionally served on Candlemas but I have yet to make a successful crepe so pancakes it is.
Will you be celebrating Candlemas? I would love to know how you do it.
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