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We have had a strangely warm winter this year.  Warm enough for it not to feel like winter but too cool for even the grass to grow.  I have been so tempted to get my spring plants in the ground but I know that one or two more hard freezes will sneak my way and kill my newly planted seedlings so I wait and start seeds indoors.  This weekend I hope to get enough work done in the way of weeding to get most things planted but things like tomatoes will have to live indoors.  I have lots of seed saved from last year but am finalizing my seed order for what I am missing.  I’ve been romancing these seed catalogs since November, you would think that I would have been done by now…so many seeds and so little budget hee hee.

As I walk around I see the signs of spring coming, a new bud on what looks like a dead fig tree, lots of growth on our mulberry trees

Even the herbs I have growing on the windowsill seems to be trying to bend their way right out the window.  They look pretty puny right now but once they get their roots in the soft warm earth outside, they will take off and then from these 3 little plants, I will get lots more.  Enough basil to put up lots of pesto. Enough Cuban oregano to dry, grind and fill my big jar of it for the rest of the year and thyme, well I guess you can never have enough of this when its fresh.

I love spring…it’s my favorite time of year.  Everything is awakening and being renewed.  In a few weeks it will be hard for me to be inside and I will get to spend every morning and evening in my favorite place, the garden.

I will be back tomorrow afternoon with the promised tutorial on the felt hair bow.  See you then.

The best part of my day is settling down to read your comments.  If you enjoyed this post, please consider leaving a comment or follow me by email at the top right hand of the screen to have future posts sent to you. Tricia (Crunchy Catholic Momma)

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