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an open letter to my expectant daughter


My dearest Alex,

As the weeks go by and the big day nears closer and closer I want to take this moment to share my thoughts with you.  You have wanted to be a mom since you first held a dolly in your arms and Lewis has dreamt of being a dad his whole life.  I know that you and Lewis will be amazing parents but there is so much you do not know, so much you cannot imagine.

I have told you so many times, that becoming a mom will change you forever.  I have told you to take advantage and sleep now because once the baby is born to this world, you will never sleep peacefully again.  A true sleep where you only truly think of yourself and possibly your husband  but that is just the beginning.

Giving life to another person, who is so much a part of you will change your inner most being.  It will bring emotions to the surface that will stay there forever.  Those feeling that will make you cry when you read a sad story. Those feelings that will make you wish you could rescue all the children that suffer in the world.  Those feelings that allow you to encourage your child to be the best they can be and become independent enough to live on their own someday even though that very thing will rip your soul from your body forever.

You will never be the cool person you see yourself as again.  You will have to be the person who says no, who says that it’s time to go, time to stop having fun and the person who must get in the way of young love.  You will become the person who will jump in front of a train to save your child because you know that you would rather die than your child meet the same fate.

Your life will no longer be as important to you for you will live to see your children do well and you will pray everyday that God allows you to live long enough to be there for them until they no longer need you.  You will gladly take on all the sadness of the world to spare them from feeling any of it.

You do know that there will be bad days.  Oh those days will happen and you will question your sanity but the good days will come to erase the bad.  And that little baby whom you adore will push you in ways you never knew possible.  The day will come when they will want to leave you behind for a world they do not know though you will know that they are not ready and you will wish to be part of their world.

As your mother, I would gladly take on the pains that will soon be part of your becoming a mother.  I would gladly take them for you knowing that I can endure them no matter.  I will quietly be strong for you if you feel weak.  I will be brave for you if you feel scared and I will be proud of you as you overcome and triumph.  I will lose you to a love that moves mountains.  A love so unbreakable that it takes precedence over the love that you and I share as mother and daughter.

I wish for you the love that you as a child have given me, a love which is unexplicable and the pride of raising such a wonderful human being as you have become.  I hope for you the delight of all the firsts you will share with your baby, the moments that will be only yours to share.

Remember that your little baby is not really yours.  He has been given to you for a while to love, encourage and teach.  He has limitless potential.  The way he loves, learns about and sees the world is up to you.  Remember to always respect him and teach him the right way and he will grow up to please God.

I wish you all the beautiful sunsets in the world and all the rainbows that will come after every dark and rainy day.  You with your baby walking hand in hand into the future.  I wish you love mama!

Oh and my little Lewie,  you may call that which your heart desires, as long as you call me.


Oma (a momma formerly known as Tricia)


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Labor-aid Recipe

Still working on getting my comments fixed.  I  seriously need to find someone who can help at this point since I am clueless.  Out of the 30 something comments I received on Matthews birth (thank you all so much) only 5 or 6 are showing on the blog.

I have received numerous requests for my laborade recipe.  Its funny what some of you will catch in my posts, its nice to know that my words are actually read : )  I figured I better post it soon since I have a few bloggy friends who are expecting a baby any day now ;  ) and they might want to make some.

Oh, firstly for those of you who have no clue what laborade is…its kind of like a homemade version of those drinks that athletes drink to keep Momma’s hydrated during labor.  There are many versions on the internet, this is just the way I make it.  Sipping on this drink will keep you refreshed and hydrated and puts back the minerals you will lose during labor and will give you a little boost of energy.

Crunchy Momma’s Labor-aid

1/4 cup fresh lemon juice
1/4 cup raw honey
1/4 tsp good sea salt
1 tablet magnesium
1 tablet calcium
2 raspberry leaf tea bags

Boil two cups water and steep the tea bags for 10 minutes.  Remove tea bags and add 2 more cups water to the tea.  Put in the blender and add the lemon juice, honey, sea salt, magnesium and calcium tablets.  Whirl it up for a minute to make sure the tablets get dissolved and put away in the refrigerator until the big moment.  You can adjust the honey to your taste.  I don’t like anything too sweet but you might like a bit more.

You can also use this to replace athletic drinks for the rest of the family by not adding the raspberry leaf tea.  It is very refreshing and really works to replace minerals lost in exercise.

See you back here on Sunday for my weekly journal which has not happened for the past two weeks so it will be a long one : )

If you enjoyed this post, please consider leaving a comment or follow me by email at the top right hand of the screen to have future posts sent to you. Tricia (Crunchy Catholic Momma)

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