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these days…. beginning of summer

IMG_9698 IMG_1980 IMG_1981 IMG_1985 IMG_2151 IMG_2166 IMG_2264 IMG_2268 IMG_9335 IMG_9338 IMG_9367 IMG_9591 IMG_9596 IMG_9646 IMG_9647 IMG_9648 IMG_9650 IMG_9653 IMG_9687These days we:

Are snuggling little boys who seem to be growing just so fast

Doing lots and lots of quick meatless meals (summer meals are better when you can make them simple)

Taking time away from lessons to do some crafting, run amuck outside and just breath in the summer air

Farm sitting for friends who had not had a vacation in a few years due to no one to leave in charge of their farm.  Boy, is it good to be on a farm again!  Baby goats nibbling the bottom of your skirt, chickens running about everywhere with their trusty guardians nearby, the hay and feed.  Oh dear, I am missing my farm.

Had a few painting afternoons with the girls.  So much fun to be had with paint and a blank canvas.  Just paint away

Picking strawberries every morning in our patch and starting to bring in the raspberry harvest (our very first ever)

Celebrating birthdays and eating Eddie’s signature birthday cake (each of my kids have one, did you know that?) strawberry shortcake.  Definitely one the easier cakes I make for them.

Finally feeling back in the swing of things, regularly making yogurt and kefir again.  Trying to add breadbaking to our rhythm more often than just a few times a month.  Slowly but surely!

So what have you been up to?

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This moment

Today I am joining Amanda at SouleMama for “this moment”
A Friday ritual.  A single photo – no words- capturing a moment from the week.  A simple, special, extraordinary moment.  A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.

If you enjoyed this post, please consider leaving a comment or follow me by email at the top right hand of the screen to have future posts sent to you. Tricia (Crunchy Catholic Momma)

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