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The stomach bug hits home

What are the most dreaded words any mom can hear, well I guess there really are many things that would be dreaded to hear but in this case it is “Momma, I don’t feel so good.”

Yep,  those are the words that my little Eddie said to me, followed by Nicholas, Veronica, John-Paul and then ME!!  Those who were not sick really took on their siblings tasks with a smile and they did things that were nice for each other without me even suggesting.

Here is Erica, caught being nice to Eddie with a volunteer game of cards.

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Simple pleasures

For those of you who know that we are a Taco Bell family (meaning that is where our families Poppa spends his working days), the following statement may come as a surprise.

Today, we were on our usual busy errand day, piano, the post office, library, shopping and the inevitable happened.  Even though we usually plan ahead and pack snacks for the trip, the kids got super hungry and we were still hours from going home.  Taco Bell to the rescue.  Now here is the statement, Christopher has never tried a Taco.  Everyone was so excited for him that they chanted as he took his first bite and Alexandra snapped this picture.

I love that simple little things like this are so appreciated by our children.  I hope they never take anything in their life for granted, so far so good.

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