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Stash Bash – Easter outfits

I’ve never met a crafter without a stash of some kind. This year my goal is to use up all the craft supplies I have spent

I had planned to make them dresses but the cleaning and organizing left only enough time to make skirts with store bought sweaters.  Last year my Dad gifted me a whole roll of this sheer fabric as well as some similarly colored lining.  I put it aside not knowing what to make since I don’t like working with that type of fabric.  They came out OK, the girls loved them but I can see every flaw where the fabric slipped while I was sewing it.  All and all it worked out and hey it was free! (thanks Daddy!).

Alex took some great family pictures of us which I am hoping to get back soon and will finally have a family portrait in the livingroom.  I will post our Easter pics tomorrow and now I am back out to get farm chores done.

So what have you been up to? I love to see what you come up with. I have added the Mr Linky to the bottom of this post for you to link up your Stash Bash projects.
Here’s what to do. There are no rules.
Just use what you have and try to not buy new supplies, unless you need it to complete a project that you are making from stuff you already have in your stash.
Take a

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Stash Bash – Farm Momma Apron

I’ve never met a crafter without a stash of some kind. This year my goal is to use up all the craft supplies I have spent money on that are taking up mental and physical space in my life.

My apron allows me to work in the garden, cook, clean, wipe little noses and faces, carry in veggies and eggs and manage to look somewhat like a busy but still put together farm momma.

I made it from fabric leftover from recovering my wooden ironing board from this Stash Bash, do you remember it?  I am sad to get to the end of this fabric but I got good use of it so I am happy to see it hard at work in the family room and the kitchen.

So what have you been up to? I love to see what you come up with. I have added the Mr Linky to the bottom of this post for you to link up your Stash Bash projects.
Here’s what to do. There are no rules.
Just use what you have and try to not buy new supplies, unless you need it to complete a project that you are making from stuff you already have in your stash.
Take a

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