Ripping and writing – a new knitting pattern

I haven’t yarned along with Ginny for a long time but lately, I have been knitting and reading, every night and every quiet chance I get.  I think I have finally gotten into more of a normal routine with Matthew. Really all that means is that I have learned to live on very little sleep…very little.

I have been working on a new cardigan for Matthew.  After many many start overs and frogging episodes, I think I am done and working up the last version with not so expensive yarn.  After working it up it seems a bit girlier than I imagined, though I do love it so, but probably not for Matthew. We will see.

I have been reading another Joel Salatin book,  Folks, this ain’t normal.  Seriously, as a farmer, I love everything Joel has ever written!  His books are the perfect mix of comedy and common plus not so common sense.  I read the chapter on what children used to get accomplished in comparison to what little they are “able” or allowed to do now to the kids and their ears were glued to my reading.  Great stuff, really!

Today, there is much to do in the garden.  We are turning beds over and getting all the watermelon and  sweet potatoes seedlings in the ground.  Lots of weeding to accomplish and herbs to process.  See you tomorrow!  I have a secret to share which is very exciting!

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One Response to Ripping and writing – a new knitting pattern

  1. Haberdasheries February 5, 2014 at 1:00 am #

    That was a lovely cardigan, nice choice of color too it is indeed perfect for Mathew, I do love knitting too It's way comforting at all, besides it is so easy to deal with it that even though while doing another stuff like reading, watching and etc. you still can manage to knit somehow.

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