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our Easter 2016


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Last Monday (well the one before Easter, goodness my life just flies by sometimes!) we were driving through endless miles of highway when the realization that we were indeed in Easter week hit me.  How in the world did I forget such a thing.  In my prepping for our 10 day trip home, I completely missed the fact that when we returned, it was time to prepare for Easter… in 5 days … with absolutely nothing done yet.  Oy!

This year, there was no time to make dresses.  The girls and I shopped for two days without stopping to find dresses that were decent and modest and didn’t scream frump.  Hard I tell ya.  Then we took inventory of the boys suits.  None fit.  None.  I thought we could get away with wearing the Christmas suits (wasn’t it just Christmas???) and add new ties but nope, none fit.  Finding 5 suits that match including one for Mateo in less than 5 days, that sounds like mission impossible.  So, we tackled the suits and somehow got everyone what they needed and decided on bow ties, yay!

We also arrived home from our trip to baby chicks waiting for us and trays of seedlings.  Potatoes and onions waiting to go into the ground and so much to do.  Deep breaths momma!  Deep breaths.  The kids reminded me that the potatoes do not know that its not Saint Patrick’s day (do you plant potatoes on Saint Patrick’s day?) and that things will get done.  Don’t stress.  Play with baby chicks, that will make all the stress melt away and it did, for everyone.  Most especially Mateo who has gotten much better and handling them now that he is a year older.  I think he is their most faithful companion.  Everyone else has been so busy helping to get ready for this spring season which is upon us.

So, 5 days went by so so fast and somehow we were somewhat ready for Easter.  A super laid back Easter.  A no frills but full of love Easter with ham and potatoes, a white chocolate malted milk cake (I just posted the recipe for this cake here) and an egg hunt.  Just a beautiful day outside, to celebrate that He is Risen.  That there is life and triumph over all and that our hope is in Him.  I hope your Easter Sunday was wonderful and I send my love as we celebrate this Easter season for the next few weeks.


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quietness and lent

The past few days I have felt the need for some quiet.  Some spiritual quiet as well as physical.  Preparing our hearts for this lenten season which has already started.  I hope you have not noticed my absence.  I am also dealing with this head cold which because the heater in our cavernous bedroom has decided to stop working, has gotten a bit worse. I went to 4 stores yesterday looking for a space heater to find none.

I have a very busy day today with a new venture, I promise to share more about it soon, but wanted to come by quickly and share our lenten traditions.

Borrowing my own words from this post last year:

During Lent in our home we try to not only give things up but since Jesus gave everything for us we make it a goal to give to others.  When the kids were all little I wanted a visual to encourage them to do good thing for others, especially each other, that is when the Lenten jar was born.

For every good deed done for someone else without being asked, they may put a bean in the empty jar.  On Holy Thursday before bedtime I will put the beans into the crock pot along with pasta, and veggies to make the soup we will eat on Good Friday.  If they do not do for others then our soup will be very meager.

They start up gung ho and the jar begins to fill very quickly but as the season goes on they begin to forget and I have to encourage them to do good things but that is a job that I don’t mind.

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We will also be adding Wednesdays to our no meat fast since we do not eat meat on any Friday of the year (except the Friday after Thanksgiving :).  This is the way Catholics fasted many years ago and some ate no meat at all which would be very difficult for us.

Looking for something to give up for Lent?
Give up resentment and become more forgiving.
Give up hatred and return good for evil.
Give up complaining and be more grateful.
Give up pessimism and become more hopeful.
Give up worry and become more trusting.
Give up anger and become more patient.
Give up pettiness and become more noble.
Give up gloom and become more joyful.
Give up doubt and turn to God.

We each have our list of small things we are giving up or doing for others and we unite our prayers to yours this Lenten season.  I will be back here tomorrow for Real Food on a Real Budget.


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