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Happy 2nd Blogiversary to CCM and a whole week of giveaways and guests

Woo-hooooooo.  Today we are two years old.  In those two years so much has happened around here and I have been fortunate enough to share it with all of you.  Thank you so much for reading my little blog, for your comments and ideas and for shaking me out of my sleep when I have fallen off the blogging wagon.

To celebrate…..I am going to be having a whole week of giveaways and guests!!!!!  You are all invited to my party.   I am super excited to have some amazing bloggers including one which has been my inspiration to really push myself and get my little farm to the next step for the last 6 years.  A little hint: they grow most of their own food, live in Pasadena, and have been in the news, internet and on TV for the last few years including Private Chefs of Beverly Hills and have so generously offered a pretty cool giveaway to one of my readers.  Stay tuned to find out who it is.  Please do not forget to visit EVERY day because there will be lots of celebrating around here.  We are going to be giving away so many cool things and posting lots of cool ideas.

A side note: I know I have lots of visitors every day because I can track who visits and if I miss something or neglect this blog I do get emails from some of you, but if you do not comment it gets lonely on here everyday for me.  So if you like my posts, tutorials or ideas or you want to see more tutorials or giveaways then please do not forget to comment.  Good or bad, I want to hear from you, otherwise I would just have a private blog open to my immediate family only.  I choose to share my life with all of you so if you could please hold me up with some emails or comments I sure would appreciate it.  Help me to make the beginning of my third year the best!

(Picture of amazing felt cake by Silvia Leite)

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Happy Blogiversary to CCM and a Giveaway

I can’t believe that it has been a year since I started this blog.  It hit me this morning that my blogiversary was coming up so I logged on and I couldn’t believe it is actually today.  I have the ability to know what time it is all the time without a clock but sensing that it had been a year since my first entry was weird.

I loved reading some entries to the kids, they had forgotten alot of the things we did this year and I realized that even though I started this blog to keep friends and family up to date on our life, the most wonderful thing is that we have the story of our life right here.

I wanted to thank all of my followers who have read my blog this year and especially everyone of them who sends me messages of support and comments.  To celebrate my blog and all of you, I am doing a give-away.

I made these this morning.  They are a set of five cute little crocheted flower sewing pins. On Thursday evening, I will pick a winner. All you have to do to win is post a comment, make sure you add your email address so I can get in touch with you if you win and make sure you are a follower.  I will use to pick the winner so good luck and thanks for rolling with my blog.

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