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Refashioned Aprons from hankerchiefs

This summer my younger girls took a cooking and etiquette class.  A few days before the Mother’s tea to end the classes I am told that they will need aprons sewn.  All this in the middle of my moving my studio and believe me, I could have used movers because I have so much stuff.

I remembered that I had some vintage womens hankies (though they were big enough to be napkins) stashed away.  In fifteen minutes I had two aprons which coordinated but were different for my girls to wear.  The bias edge that ties the apron on came from a crib dust ruffle which I have had in my refashion pile for years now.

I love the sweet little flowers
and the simple crochet edge.  Someone somewhere worked on these.  I love that.
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Refashioned project- Pajamas for a toddler

I know I have been missing in action lately.  It isn’t that I have had nothing to write about, it is that I have had so much to write about.  The garden is finally slowing down (too hot out there) and so I have more time to be here.

I will be posting a few of the things I should have blogged about since May in the next couple of days but here is a project I just finished.

Olivia is seriously growing out of everything I have for her.  She is in real need of pajamas and has been wearing little boys jammies too much lately so I went searching in my no longer needed but too cute to donate pile.  I also dislike store bought baby pajamas for two reasons: 1. I have a disdain for most mass produced clothing, 2. Store bought pajamas are never big enough in the seat for cloth diapered babies.

I had in my pile a few really soft infant receiving blankets which she is way too big to use but they are so soft that I did not pass them on.  The best part is that they are double layered so they will keep her warm in the arctic conditions that we must all sleep in to keep Poppa happy.

They also have already finished edges which I positioned to use as pant hems (no hemming required) and the opening of the boat neck done baby style.

Viola!  New pajamas, no money spent!

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