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Stash Bash

I’ve never met a crafter without a stash of some kind. This year my goal is to use up all the craft supplies I have spent money on that are taking up mental and physical space in my life.  Join me here every Thursday for a Stash Bash.  

I really need to sit down at the sewing machine and make some things for my girls but I seem to be enthralled in baby projects : )  Yesterday I heard Ronnie telling her brother that she could not go on the trampoline with him because Erica has THE culottes on…um didn’t I make them 3 pairs each?  Oh yeah, that was last summer.  I guess you can expect to see some culottes being made soon.  I have been in the kitchen canning up a storm but when I a done, I have some sheets that have been screaming to become culottes.

Right now I am working on a knitted soaker sack for baby bean.  The first time someone tried to teach me to knit, it was my mother in law and she taught me the European way which for some reason Isaw as being so hard so when I decided last year to finally learn I learned the American way.  Since this is just knitted in every stitch after the ribbing, I decided to practice the European way of knitting and I am really liking it and I have to say that my mother in law was right, it is easier.  Gasp, did I just admit that she was right?  Well, she is a very smart lady.

Soaker sacks are made of wool and they go up over the diaper like a cocoon but are open at the bottom for easy diaper changes in those first few weeks.  Once I get all of the soakers done, I will lanolize them all.  Have I ever told you how much I love wool?

So what have you been up to? I love to see what you come up with. I have added the Mr Linky to the bottom of this post for you to link up your Stash Bash projects.

Here’s what to do. There are no rules. 
Just use what you have and try to not buy new supplies, unless you need it to complete a project that you are making from stuff you already have in your stash. 
Take a picture of your project or progress and blog about it or post a picture to flickr.
Then come back here on Thursdays and post a link to your post.
Don’t forget to link back to the Stash Bash so others can find us and get encouraged too.
Fair enough?     

P.S.  Its so nice to hear from other stash bashers so if you visit some of the links don’t forget to leave them a quick little comment.

If you enjoyed this post, please consider leaving a comment or follow me by email at the top right hand of the screen to have future posts sent to you. Tricia (Crunchy Catholic Momma)

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Longies for baby bean

A little more than 3 months until I meet my little baby bean face to face and everyday I wake up thinking of more stuff that I need to get done before that wonderful day.  I took out my huge collection of diapers and realize that I have used just about every diaper system that I have ever heard of but this time I just want to go with what worked the best with Olivia.  Cheap and easy prefolds and covers.

I love how clean they come out and there are less things I find homey than the look of all those prefolds hanging on the line.  Did I mention that they are super cheap.  I now have a huge pile of pocket diapers (Fuzzi Bunz and lots of other types) to sell on top of the piano, much to Poppa’s dismay.

I do not have any newborn prefolds so those I will have to make from my huge stash of organic french terry and velour fabric.  I need to get my hands on some small sizes of covers for when I wear my babies during the day but am working on my other favorite diaper cover, wool!


I started this one last week and every night I add a few rows.  This longie is made from my own pattern which I designed before I was pregnant with Livie and I loved the way they worked on her.  I had not made a newborn size and from the looks of it, I must be expecting my little bean to be a sumo wrestler since the legs are so wide but either way, they will work just fine.

I have also been working on a knitted cover that you can see here tomorrow at my Stash Bash, won’t you join me with your own Stash Bashing project?

Oh and does anyone know the best place to sell my stash of diapers?  I really need to get them off the piano : ).

I am linking up again this week to Nicole at Frontier Dreams and Ginnys Yarn Along.

If you enjoyed this post, please consider leaving a comment or follow me by email at the top right hand of the screen to have future posts sent to you. Tricia (Crunchy Catholic Momma)

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