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Do something Saturday- Work day on Moss Flower Farm

Our dear Moss Flower needs attention, here is the Saturday work list:

Plant new peach, plum, persimmon, loquat, fig and banana trees.
Add new raspberries and blackberries to the berry patch
Plant new concord grape vine in blueberry orchard.

Pull out all old growth from the papyrus growing at the pond (I avoid this job like the plague) this time Poppa took a chainsaw to it and later on in the week I will put the pile through the chipper and use as mulch on the new trees.
Clean out and lay down fresh grass clippings in the duck enclosure.
Clean all bathrooms, vacuum or sweep and mop house, deep cleaning in kitchen, clean and polish dining room table, wash, fold and put away the laundry (done by Yaya (Alexandra)
Cut grass and clean out dead branches from rubilini palms
Poppa used a chain saw for the first time and I think he liked it. All and all it was a lot of work but many hands make the work light. We had a wonderful oyster stew with lots of fresh dill in it and it was wonderful. Now I am going to get ready for Mothers Day (I will be doing absolutely nothing and loving it, after Mass of course).
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