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Jello shot push pops tutorial

Remember push pops?  The geniuses over at the Meringue Bake Shop came up with some push pop cupcakes which I must say I love so…. I found a company who sells clear plastic ones and have been making lots of fun things with them.  For our annual July 4th celebration, I made jello shots in them.  Of course you could make them without the alcohol but why should the kids have all the fun.  If you have never made alcoholic jello shots then fret not, I’ve got you covered (scroll to the bottom for the instructions)

 Make your bottom layer flavor of jello and pour into the cups, put in the fridge for about 30 minutes or until firm

 in this picture I am piping in a layer of whipped cream but if you do it this way it will float to the top once you pour your next layer of jello so just do it at the end. Make the next layer of jello and pour over the firmed up layer of jello.  Put them back in the fridge for an hour.

 To pipe the whipped topping on, just put a cup or so of whipped cream into a piping bag with a star tip and squeeze a nice round of whipped cream on top for decoration.

 You will need a base to keep your pops upright while the jello firms up the refrigerator.  You could easily use a block of styrofoam covered with paper or fabric.  I have searched and there is no one making jello like this out on the web.  If you copy this idea please post a link back to the post ; ) Thank you!

For jello shots you mix the jello powder with one cup of boiling water and then instead of adding a cup of cold water you add a cup of cold vodka…done!  Told ya it was easy.
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Bombpop inspired cupcakes

Can any cupcake be more perfect for the 4th than a bomb pop inspired cupcake?  

 root beer chocolate cupcakes topped off with a white chocolate buttercream frosting (recipes coming soon).

Do you remember running after the ice cream truck to get one of these? The ice cold popsicle to quench your thrist after a brisk sprint to catch the ice cream man and sticky melted juice dripping down your arm till it reached your elbow?  I stained many a play outfit because of these popsicles (the outfits were most probably already stained from everything else we got into back then).

 To me, these are retro pops since no one under the age of 20 got the joke about making cupcakes look like bombpops.  They scarfed them down all the same and I caught a few adults quietly cherishing a cupcake.

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