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Happy Hallowmas

A Happy All Saints Day to everyone!  We started the day with mass and then came home to a Momma made breakfast of oatmeal waffles with bananas foster sauce.  The kids spent a good part of the late morning designing their pumpins and then pulling pumpkin guts and carving them out on the front porch.

We got first place this year at the Saints Day picnic at church. I have to admit that I probably did not deserve it since I totally procratinated and waited until the day before the picnic to start making my costumes then ended up working until 2 AM to finish all 7 saints costumes.  (Never again…even though that is the exact thing I said last year). 
For anyone who does not know what Hallowmas is all about you can read more about it here.

 in case you are wondering, he is dressed as Saint Dennis of Paris who was beheaded

 This is my favorite costume of course.  Santa Lucia day is one of my favorite winter holidays.  The Feast of Saint Lucia is coming up on December 13th so I will post a tutorial next week on how to make the crocheted wreath and candles.  The dress was made from a thrifted womans shirt which happened to have the sweet smocking around the collar.  All I had to do was detach the sleeves, cut the chest down to size and reattach the shortened sleeves then add some elastic through a casing around the wrists. 

If you enjoyed this post, please consider leaving a comment or follow me by email at the top right hand of the screen to have future posts sent to you. Tricia (Crunchy Catholic Momma)

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all dressed up


Happy Hallows Eve everyone!  Just a few pictures…We are back from trick or treating and all very exhausted.  The kids did not want to wear the costumes I made them for All Saints Day for Halloween night too, so I told them if they could make up a costume on their own, they could definitely wear it tonight.  They all came up with some pretty funny costumes and had a blast walking all night and collecting candy.   Unfortunately our camera died after just a few pictures so I only have pictures of Livie and I and one picture of us walking down our street before heading out to our friends nieghborhood.

We live in the country where the next house is a walk but we have friends who live in a development.  The neighbors there take Halloween very seriously with many many well decorated houses and the best candy you can think of.  There was even a house giving away hotdogs and beer!

Lots of our friends all met up there and we all went out trick or treating together.  It is nights like this that we all tend to remember.  I loved halloween night when I was a child and I hope my kids can think back when they are grown and remember tonight.  We did not get to carve our pumpkins so that will be done tomorrow and I promise to come back and share all my Saints Day costumes with you.

If you enjoyed this post, please consider leaving a comment or follow me by email at the top right hand of the screen to have future posts sent to you. Tricia (Crunchy Catholic Momma)

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