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Handmade Christmas Challenge Craft Along

We have basically 10 weeks left until Christmas. Did you just faint?  Yeah, me too!  Now is the time to get organized, plan and make the gifts for those we love.  For the last few Christmas seasons I have hosted a handmade Christmas Challenge.  You can see those posts here

This year, inspired by Ginny’s Yarn along from Small Things, I would love to invite you to take the challenge and join me in a Handmade Christmas Craft along.  On Thursday, I will post the first day along with a way for you to link any homemade gift you have made recently or in the past.  The more ideas we share, the easier it will be to become inspired and make a handmade Christmas a reality.

Every Thursday I will post what I have made and you can link your gifts through a linky link on my blog post and share with everyone who reads this blog.  Every Thursday I will also have a giveaway from among those who linked up and or left a comment (you must also be a follower of this blog or follow me on Facebook), so stay tuned for lots of handmade loveliness from many talented people.  This will be a little handmade present from them (and me) to you.

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, to take the pledge to have a handmade Christmas this year by giving those on our Christmas list a handmade gift.

Here are the rules:

1. Gifts must be handmade by you, or,

2. Purchased from someone else who handmade it, check out Etsy or Artfire, go to a craft fair, or,

3. Upcycled items such as thrift store, antique store or garage sale treasures. If this one is alarming to you maybe you should think about what it really costs to make something new, the energy to make it, ship it, house it and how buying something pre-loved is using a resource which has already made its impact. My brother asked me if buying someone a, basket counts, I said yes but buy a pre-owned basket, really could you really tell if you received a new basket or not and if it was new would that make it a better basket? 

The point is to use your imagination instead of buying all the mass produced stuff at the mall which every store is going to convince us we need and will make our Christmas this year perfect. Shop at home first. If you are a crafter, you have a stash. Most of us crafters don’t even know all the stuff that is in our stash so instead of heading over to the craft store, shop from your stash first.

Even if you do not have a blog or have nothing to link to, Please post your ideas or what you will be giving to your loved ones.

I will of course be posting some of my ideas and projects to inspire all of you too. (hey most of my viewers are probably on my list so gotta keep it hush hush)

Here is the pledge:

I, state your name, pledge to:

To take a political stance against mass consumerism of Christmas

To give gifts that are unique, meaningful and full of love

To promote, encourage and celebrate hand-made You may not have the time to make all your gifts but I know you will be out purchasing them. Why not purchase a handmade gift from someone instead of somewhere.

Tomorrow, I will post more so come back!

If you enjoyed this post, please consider leaving a comment or follow me by email at the top right hand of the screen to have future posts sent to you. Tricia (Crunchy Catholic Momma)

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A cowl in October

I’m playing along with the Yarn Along over at Small Things this week.  I am starting on Christmas presents and this is the first. I won’t say who it is for but this is such a yummy wool yarn.  The colors are all washed out for some reason and tomorrow when Alex gets back I will get her to fix it but in the meantime here it is.

This is a cross between a cowl and a scarf but I am sticking with calling it a cowl. It can be worn a few different ways but for some reason I did not take those pictures.  I love the leather button on it, I have been saving it for a few years and this was the perfect project to put it on.

Do you knit or crochet?  Click on the link in the first paragraph and play along with Ginny from Small Things. If you don’t do either I am starting a craft-along (inspired by Ginny’s Yarn-along), more info on that tomorrow.

Right now my crochet basket is full of projects and if you want to do the cowl, shoot me an email and I will send you my pattern (er…right now it is just scribble scrabble but I will type it up and get it to you : )

If you enjoyed this post, please consider leaving a comment or follow me by email at the top right hand of the screen to have future posts sent to you. Tricia (Crunchy Catholic Momma)

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