Holy Saturday (in Latin, Sabbatum Sanctum ), the ‘day of the entombed Christ,’ is the Lord’s day of rest, for on that day Christ’s body lay in His tomb. Unfortunately for me today will not have any rest in store. There are so many details to get done before tomorrow. Boys need haircuts, Alexandra will trim Nicholas and John Paul with scissors and I will trim Eddie and Christopher’s hair with the clippers. I still have to find navy blue pants for all four boys as well as black socks and black shoes for John-Paul. I have to purchase the candy for the baskets and food for the next day. Lastly, I have to get the Easter eggs stuffed for the hunt and fill Easter baskets for my children to find when they come downstairs tomorrow morning. Our Easter Vigil is at 7 PM and the boys will serve at mass so I have only a few hours to get all this accomplished. All this with really fat baby in her sling.
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About Me {formerly Crunchy Catholic Momma}
I'm Tricia. Mama of nine, homeschooler, farmer, and maker of all kinds of things.This space is our special place to chronicle and remember our families story. It's a pleasure to share here our family homesteading adventures, the things we make, and what inspires our days. Thanks for visiting!