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I have gotten very little done this week in the way of yarny stuff or reading (zero on the reading).  Between Grandma visiting, cleaning this house with Eddie and planning Livie’s birthday party, there has been little time for anything else so I have only been knitting in bed late at night.

Do you recall this yarn I got when I visited the Purl Soho? 

I woke up two weeks ago with the idea of making the girls some spats to wear over their boots.  I wanted a fun color and in keeping with my Stash Bashing resolution I pulled out this wonderful wool.  It is so hard for me to use yarn that I really like.  For some reason I always feel like I will regret using it??  Am I crazy or does this happen to anyone else?

I keep putting away this project and twice when I pulled it out of the bag, I ripped out a bunch of stitches.  I guess thats what those little stopper things are for.

I feel I finally have the hang of ribbing and can tell if a stitch is a purl or a knit.  I know that sounds retarded but I was having a hard time getting confused when working on ribbing.  I think I will have these done by the weekend so I hope to have pictures of them on the girls for next week.  I can’t decide on buttons that would look good running down the side of the spats so we will see.  I will try to put up the pattern on Rav next week which means I still need to learn to write a knitting pattern instead of crochet lol.

I am joining in for Keep Calm Craft On with the most talented Nicole at Frontier Dreams and yarning along again with Ginny of Small Things and all the amazing women who play along every week.  See you here tomorrow for the Stash Bash.

If you enjoyed this post, please consider leaving a comment or follow me by email at the top right hand of the screen to have future posts sent to you. Tricia (Crunchy Catholic Momma)

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Rainbow ripple blanket and UFO’s

Today is my birthday.  When Eddie asked what I wanted, the only thing I could think of was a whole day in bed surrounded by yarn and perhaps a bon bon or two.  Does that sound like a total waste of day?  To me it sounds like heaven and I plan to work on projects, read and relax

This week I am yarning along again with Ginny from Small Things. To keep with my resolution to only use materials from my stash as well as complete my UFO’s (unfinished objects),  I pulled out my crocheted rainbow ripple blanket from last summer and bag of rainbow colored yarns and got back to work on it.  A few rows were ripped out while being stored in a basket under the coffee table so I am now back to where I was when I stored it but hopefully it will go fast.  I hope to have it on the couch by spring but for now the happy colors are helping me through winter.

Yesterday I woke up thinking how cute some knitted spats would look and casted on a new project.  I have changed my mind twice (ripping out the entire project) but now have one almost done so hopefully I can share it with you all next week.  I also need to learn how to write a knitted pattern. I wrote out the pattern as I went along creating the spats and it looks alot like a crochet pattern to me lol.

I cleaned out my closet yesterday (part of Eddie’s honey do list for me) and got rid of lots of stuff though I set aside much more than I should have to upcycle into something else.  It is so hard for me to get rid of clothing because I see it as fabric.  I really need to work through my pile of  refashion projects.  The problem is I will see something and think “I am going to make xyz with this” but then I add it to the pile and when I come back to it, I can’t think of what I saved it for.  Maybe I should write down what it will become on a sticky note and putting it on the item next time.  Then I might change my mind on what to make with it but not forget my initial idea.

I am working on my project for tomorrows stash bash and can’t wait to share it with everyone joining me….won’t you join me too : )  We had lots of fun last week and I got lots of inspiration from everyone who linked up, thank you!

If you enjoyed this post, please consider leaving a comment or follow me by email at the top right hand of the screen to have future posts sent to you. Tricia (Crunchy Catholic Momma)

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