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these days…

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This past week was oh so busy!  We got a visit from Grandma Yoli (who came to visit after a trip to Tennessee) bearing googoo bars and lots of them.  The kids and I had never had one.  Apparently, it is only made in Tennessee though I am sure it is sold all over.  I think Matthew had much more than his share due to so many siblings sharing theirs with him.  We all enjoyed her visit so much that we are hoping she will come back very soon.  Between shopping, eating out (what a treat) and visiting with her, it encompassed every minute we had.

The day after she left we spent outside (all day) working on so many projects.  We have been clearing more land, poison ivy, weeds and brambles.  The more time I spend outside, the more impressed I am by the amount of plants out there that I have little knowledge of.  Everyday I find myself researching a new plant or just trying to identify the different “weeds” out there.  We have encountered thousands of wild strawberry plants.  The berries have absolutely no taste and are mostly seeds but it has not stopped the kids from eating many of these raisin sized berries.  I think there has to be a use for them.  They fill our front 3 acres where there is rarely a spot you can walk on that there is not a wild strawberry plant.  They grow so low that the mower does not touch them so they really thrive like little lawn jewels.

Luckily, besides the wild strawberries,  the wonderful family who nurtured this land prior to us planted a few strawberry plants which I mulched in the fall and really spread to provide so many tasty strawberries in the past week.  I have planned to completely weed that bed this week and spread out some of those plants so they can fill the bed more evenly.

We have gotten much of the garden planted and even though it is a bit late, I am not beating myself up about it.  We are just enjoying the process of starting over and that is that.  I have a few dozen perennials waiting for the food forest part of our farm to be done where we will plant them in their new homes.  So much to do but there is time yes?  The mornings here are still cool as well as the evenings and its such a pleasure to work outside without the heat beating us down.

We are also rehabbing the two small garden beds that were already here, close to the house.  This is quite the undertaking as the beds are covered by a thick mat of creeping charlie (ground ivy) and more of those wild strawberries.  We have been drying the creeping charlie to use as an addition to our teas for the coming year but there is oh so much of it.  It roots anywhere that it touches and mulch only seems to deter it for a little while.  Luckily, it has a faint mint/oregano smell being from the mint family and has a pretty little purple flower so I will let it be a ground cover where it won’t get in the way.  Below is a before and after picture of that small bed, the after is the one with Erica raking the dirt.  I am having quite a hard time keeping shoes on the girls.  Since there are no prickly plants in the grass here like there are in Florida, I am generally letting them garden in their barefeet and they are loving it.

I have been enjoying tea everyday.  First our own tea blends made of blue spiderwort (we have 3 colors of spiderwort here, blue, pink and white) and lemongrass.  Lemongrass is the flavor since the blue spiderwort flowers mainly lend color and little flavor but its so much fun to have blue tea again since our favorite blue pea vine would not survive the winters here.

The other teas were a present from Grandma Yoli from Teavana.  Have you ever been to this store, I adore it but can’t really afford to shop there too much.  I am so grateful to my mother in law for this present as well as the beautiful new tea cup she bought me.  If anyone has a good source for delicious bulk loose teas, please do post!!

The front garden is alive with so many flowers and different types of perennials.  Everytime one type of flower stops producing, the next kind comes to life to entertain us with its colors and scents.  I think the flower garden is Matthews favorite place to be.  He loves to walk the little pathways and pick the flowers.

What you have been up to this past week?  Tomorrow I will be scouting for more wild edibles.  Won’t you come back and join me?

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these days…

For an explanation on each picture, scroll down to the bottom of this post.

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This week:

: :  had radishes more times than not, in our very favorite way.  Sauteed in butter and garlic and salt until still a bit crispy.  Poppa loves it this way and we all do too but it’s the call on the way home with a request for radishes that keeps me making them.  In the spring when we can finally plant our own again, it will be wonderful along with the greens from the tops

: :  got a new helper to peel all the garlic for the week.  Chris has designated himself as the garlic man and anytime he sees me pull out the jar from the refrigerator, he cheers for Garlic Man

: :  found this new sweet little sugar bowl at a thrift store.  It is glass and I think it was formerly a soap dish

: :  had lots and lots more pizza, OTB sauce with arugula and parm as well as a sauce I added the last of the olive tapenade to (in order to not waste it) and oh my goodness, I shall be doing that again on purpose

: :  did a bit more exploring in our new city

: :  watched a little girl marvel about winter mornings, every morning

: :  picked our secret santas, including Alexandra and Lewis long distance

: :  watched Livie go from excitement over her pick to realizing that she got her baby brother when she already knew what she wanted to get for her sister

: :  worked on a few new Sweater Babies for some of you

: :  celebrated Gaudete Sunday by frying up some doughnuts and putting together our very first ever Gingerbread house (from a store bought kit) and decided that next year we will go it on our own

: :  made almost daily trips to the post office to send out goodies to some of you.  Thank you all for your orders.  Supporting handmade really made our Christmas this year and I feel so very blessed.

How was your week?


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